Thursday, March 25, 2010

Taking a Clue from Jesus Mission Statement

This week, we're playing around with the notion of personal mission statements. Do you have one?

We get a taste of Jesus' mission statement in in Luke 4:16-21. Mission statements are not job descriptions. They are not to do lists. Instead of Jesus unrolling the scroll and saying, "I have been anointed to be an itinerant preacher and teacher in Galilee...and here's my job outline in bullet-point form" he says "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Sure, there are some specifics in this proclamation, but mostly it's a list of outcomes. And that's different than a task list.

So, I was wondering about mission statements. What's my mission in life? As any good post-modern person would do, I took my question to Google. Up popped a personal mission statement generator from the folks at Franklin Covey. (
I tried it and guess what -- it was fun and very revealing. As you consider what your mission is in the world, give it a try. Maybe re post your results here. Let's inspire each other!

My mission statement (as generated by the Franklin Covey Personal Mission Statement Builder):

I am at my best when I am creative, rested, inspired, surrounded by beauty and joyous people, filled with purpose, and feeling like I am accomplishing something. I will try to prevent times when I am not focused, tired, torn, in ugly places with negative people, and unclear about my purpose. I will enjoy my work by finding employment where I can be at the center of synergy, making big things happen. I will find enjoyment in my personal life through play with my daughter, be in love with my husband, laugh with friends, cooking, writing, walking and smelling fresh air. I will find opportunities to use my natural talents and gifts such as cooking, making art, singing, being there for people, creating beautiful, interesting space, writing, speaking.

I can do anything I set my mind to. I will be a writer and inspirational speaker.

My life's journey is to be at home no matter where the journey takes me, opening up my home and life to friends and family, strangers and sojourners.I will be a person who my children, their children, and people who think of me as their teacher, will give me the greatest tribute by telling me the story of "Us" and how I changed their life. They will tell me about the moment when I mattered to them...

My most important future contribution to others will be to let them know that they are loved beyond their wildest imaginations and that they have purpose in this world. Our job is to discern that purpose and have at it with reckless abandon...

I will stop procrastinating and start working on:
- Being more centered: have an everyday, all day connection to God.
- Remembering "it's not about me" and know that I am only one piece of an infinite puzzle.
- Tending to my own body and being healthy.

I will strive to incorporate the following attributes into my life:
-Be smart like Jesus
-Be in love with Jesus
-Love people like Jesus

I will constantly renew myself by focusing on the four dimensions of my life:
-walk and do tai chi every day. breathe, move, stretch, breathe, move, stretch.
-read poetry every day. see beauty every day. pray every day.
-check in about your baggage everyday. seek out people who keep you in check and keep you balanced and healthy
-make new friends. go out. have fun. have date nights with your husband. touch, be touched. give kisses and hugs. tell the people I love that i love them.

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