Saturday, February 6, 2010

Breaking the trance

Today's blogpost is based on the section entitled "Breaking the Trance" from the chapter "Consecration" in Wayne Muller's book "Sabbath".

Today, as I sit and ponder this last section of Muller's offerings to us, I am taken with the titled of this section. It seems as if our old way of life, the way that leaves no room for rest and renewal, has had us in a trance. We have been captivated by perpetual motion, overwork and busyness. But, as I have listen to you talk about this study of Sabbath, it seems as if that trance has begun to lift. At the very least, this study and sermon series have made you aware of your own patterns of rest and work. For some of you, it has prompted a paradigm shift in your life.

So, I wonder, as we near the end, how has the trance been broken for you? Would you share a few words below about how this study and sermon series have changed your life?

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