Friday, February 5, 2010

Lessons from a Rental

Today's blog post is based on the section entitled "Ownership" from the chapter "Consecration" in Wayne Muller's book "Sabbath".

When we moved to Champbana, we moved into a rental house. It is considerably smaller that our house was in Michigan. That coupled with the fact that we do plan to buy a home here, thus moving yet again, means that about 75% of our stuff is still in moving boxes in the garage and basement. We have less stuff out here than we did in Michigan -- a lot less stuff. And, since this is a rental house, I have not been coming up with lists of home improvement projects for David and I to tackle.

This is what I've learned -- I am so much more rested and relaxed at home here than I was there. There, when I sat down, all I could see were the undone projects. Here, I see a free evening to sit and read or watch tv, hang out and laugh with my family. There, we were forever cleaning and organizing. Here, with less stuff and a smaller space, we get it done so much quicker!

Yes, we own stuff. But, our stuff really owns us. "Stuff management," as I like to call it, is really what owns our time and energy.

How would your life change if you owned less stuff? Think of how much time, energy and money goes into "stuff management" in your life. How would your life be different if you could reduce your "stuff management". What would you have time to do? What what you have energy to tackle? What could you do with that extra money?

1 comment:

  1. We are actually planning a stuff management session tomorrow evening!

    A few years ago, as part of a "stuff group" that met during Lent, Tom and I did a lot of thinning. But things tend to build up again over the years. We are ready for a new purge I think to get things back to a manageable state. How does that accumulation happen??? Perhaps as a Lenten project again this year, we can do some serious consideration of and acting upon what goes and what stays. It's a good feeling!
