Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Shopping Will Not Save Us, Part 3

Today's blog post is based on the section entitled "Selling Unhappiness" from the chapter Happiness in Wayne Muller's book "Sabbath".

If you were here Sunday, then you heard of my on-again-off-again love affair with Target and Target's commercials. I shop at Target because of how it makes me feel -- I feel far cooler than I actually am, like I am one of the shiny, happy, trendy, skinny women in their commercials. But that's the point of advertising, isn't it? Otherwise, why would we spend so much money on things that are worth far less than we are paying? Because we are trying to buy the feeling associated with the product.

But, Sabbath time invites us to do something different. Sabbath invites us to be happy -- be with the people you love, do the thing that make you happy, bask in blessing. Be happy. Sabbath time invites us to love the life we have instead of the life we lust after in commercials and in the pages of magazines. As Muller suggests, Sabbath time invites us to stop lusting after the shiny, happy people in the commercials and BE those people.

Be the one making something to eat that's so lovely it could be in a magazine. Be the family curled up on the couch together laughing. Be the couple holding hands walking down a tree lined path. Be the person stretching into a yoga pose. Be happy.

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