Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Response to? Inspired by? Both?

Today's question is: How does Borg’s description of the bible as “a human response to God” fit your own understanding of the relationship between God and the Bible?

Borg takes the approach that the Bible is purely a human product. If the Bible is a human product, it makes the difficult sections easier to stomach. If we find out the historical context of the text, it may unlock some of the mystery as to why someone would attribute certain things to God.

But, I must admit that I don't entirely agree with Borg's assertion that the Bible is purely a human product. I understand his point. If we think that some of the Bible is inspired and some is not, then we're stuck in a vast gray area of wondering what is and what is not inspired.

I'm ok with that gray area. I am ok wit the ambiguity of some of the Bible being human response to God and some of it being inspired. As a writer and preacher, I have certainly experienced this phenomenon. I have preached sermons that were clearly the work of the Holy Spirit, when it felt as if the words were not mine, but truly God's. I have also phoned it in. I would assume the same is true for the texts we deem sacred.

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