Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sacred Contextual Texts

Today's question is: Does scripture ever function as a sacrament in your life? What helps you listen for the Spirit of God speaking through the words of the biblical text?

Have you ever been driving along, listening to the radio and, all of a sudden, the perfect song comes on? The song seems to fit the exact moment of life you are living in, as if some divine intervention was at work when the DJ picked the next tune. It's like those words were written just for you. When that happens with scripture, that's when the text becomes sacramental for me.

In order to listen for the Spirit of God speaking through the words of the biblical text, I have to start new every time. I have to stop thinking that I know what this particular passage is about, forget that I've read it before, and start over. I have to have an open mind and open heart. But, I also have to bring my life to the text and be willing to let the text speak to me and my situation in life. In other words, I have to provide my own context in which to hear the text. Again, when I do that, there is a sense that the text really is speaking to me.

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