Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Something Sacred

Today's question is: Does the process of how the Bible was developed and the history of how it became viewed as authoritative by the church affect your views on the sacred status of scripture?

The short answer to this question is: nope, not at all.

The long answer is this: half the battle is accepting the fact that the Bible did not drop from the sky one day, whole, intact and perfect. Once we understand how the canonization process worked, we've taken a big step. But, there's still another hurdle. The canonization was a messy, imperfect process. It's hard to be at peace with that.

As one of my Seminary professors often said about scripture, "We are passive recipients of someone else's choices." I try to keep that very ambiguous fact in balance with the fact that this book has been trusted for millennia. When tragedies occur, when we are at a loss to explain what happens in life, when people have been at a loss for words, time and again, people have gone to the Bible to find words of comfort, assurance and insight.

What's important when reading scripture is that we remain open to the movement of the Spirit. We must ask how God is still speaking to us today in the text. Does God have a Word for us today? That's the question that transforms just another book into something sacred.

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