Wednesday, June 23, 2010

With a Capital "W"

Today's question is: What does it mean for you to call the Bible “the Word of God?” What doesn’t it mean for you?

Flipping through an art history book long ago, I came across a painting of Saint so-and-so writing the Bible. In this depiction, an ethereal hand reaches down out of the heavens. It grasps the saint's hand and the quill pen therein. The painting was commissioned as a teaching tool - to let the common folk know that this book contained The Word of God as written by God himself.

This is not what I think of when I think of the Bible being The Word of God with a capital "W".

When I think of the Bible being the Word of God, I think of the millions of faithful people who, for millenia, have looked to the words of the Bible to reveal something about the "character and will of God" as Marcus Borg puts it. In those stories, letters and poems, there are profound glimpses of who God is, how God works, what we can expect from God, and what God expects of us.

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