Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's all good

Somehow I got readings and dates, even though this reading (the section entitled "It is Good") was for January 8th, I'm blogging about it now. Nothing to fret about's all good.

I say that a lot. The more you are around me, the more you will notice it. I often offer, "it's all good," when things are, seemingly, not good. I do it not to belittle what's happened or try to diffuse the situation. Rather, I offer "it's all good" because it IS. It really is. It's ALL good. God named it good in the beginning (whenever and however that was) and it continues to be true. It is all good, even when circumstances would suggest otherwise.

Sabbath space reminds us that it's all good. When we are rested and renewed, instead of harried and exhausted, we are better able to handle life's disruptions. We are also better able to recognize the inherent goodness in life itself.

Of course, there are circumstances which are not good at all. Bad things happen in life. Horrible, unthinkable things do in fact happen. However, when there really is nothing good to be found in a particular situation, when we are rested and renewed, we are better able to turn tragedy over to God for transformation. It may not be good now, but it will be good again. This promise is woven into the very fiber of creation. It is a promise we can rest in.

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