Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ritualize, Repeat

This blog post is based on the section "The Book of Hours" section of "Rhythm" from Wayne Muller's book "Sabbath".

As Protestants, we're pretty bad at ritual. My inner Catholic longs for incense and kneeling benches, lighting candles and liturgy I know by heart.

As Protestants, we don't know how to ritualize things. I think we've suffered because of it. Ritual is important. When we have rites of passage ritualized it helps us mark time and our children to grow. When we attached sacred meaning to common objects, we suddenly have an ability to see the Holy everywhere. When we don't ritualize our faith lives, only our secular tendencies get ritualized. And that's fine, but it's probably not enough to feed our souls.

We're pretty good at ritual when it comes to the big high Holy days, like Christmas and Easter. But, beyond that....well, there's not much. I wonder what would happen if we infused our faith lives with more ritual, more opportunities to create sacred traditions.

Do you have thoughts on this? About sacred traditions? About rites of passage?

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