Friday, January 22, 2010

Need VS. Want

Today's blog post is based on the section "The Pursuit of Happiness" from the chapter on "Happiness" in Wayne Muller's book "Sabbath".

What do you really need?

Think about it for a moment. What do you really, truly need?

And what is it that you think you need because you want it so badly you don't know how you'd live your life without it?

Those are the kinds of questions I started asking myself when I realized I wasn't happy in life. It is hard, in our consumer driven culture, to focus on what we really need versus what we really want. Our lives circle so much so around our material desires that we get lost there. The Buddhists call this material desire the "hungry ghost" and it must be satisfied. It must be, unless, we learn how to tame it.

How are you attempting to live intentionally through this study of Sabbath? What new ways of living have you adopted so that you can be at peace and dwell in joy? What Sabbath practice ought you to adopt so that Rabbi Heschel's words ring true in your heart: Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.

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